Thank You For Setting Up Your Monthly Recurring Donation!

Your financial support enables us to continue and expand our work “bending Texas toward justice”, and by becoming one of our “1,000 Courageous, Sustaining UUs For Justice”, you’ve really helped up budget and plan our work more effectively for the future.

The name, address, and email address you entered during your processing of the donation will be how we account and acknowledge your donation for TAX purposes. The “Texas Unitarian Justice Ministry, Education Network” (d/b/a “TXUUJM, EDU”) has been designated a 501(c)(3) non-profit by the IRS. Please consult your tax professional about how that might impact your tax liability. You may download a PDF copy by CLICKING HERE.

Our online payment processor, PayPal, will email you a receipt with details about your donation, and the statements from your credit card issuer or bank should reflect your donation was to “TXUUJM”.

Our staff normally acknowledges all contributions made throughout the year via email compiled and sent shortly after the end of each year, recapping all contributions during the preceding calendar year. Be watching your in-box for that receipt, and please “Whitelist” the domain “” so your SPAM filters won’t block any relevant communication.

If you need further assistance with your donation or receipt, or perhaps need something earlier than our norm, please email

We encourage you to engage with us in any and all of our activities around the state, as you have the time and opportunity. Your finanical contribution helps us staff our organization and pay our lean operating expenses, but the majority of our advocacy work is accomplished by volunteer clergy and lay leaders just like you who go beyond making a financial contribution and also dedicate available time, passion, energy and creativity to helping us hold our elected city, county, state and federal lawmakers accountable for their actions and the impact of those actions on all our neighbors. Explore our website and assoiated FaceBook page to learn more about the multitude of actions, trainings and activities we and our partners are planning, and join in as you are led.

Wondering how to further support the work of TXUUJM? Here are just a few of the ways:

  • Join our “1,000 Courageous, Sustaining UUs” with a monthly recurring donation of amounts as low as $10.00.
  • Get your congregation to join TXUUJM by signing the covenant.
  • Get your family members, friends and other associates to contribute to TXUUJM and engage with us in our activities and actions.
  • Encourage your congregation to take up a collection to support TXUUJM.
  • Run a fundraiser for TXUUJM.
  • Encourage foundations and other organizations that share our values on core issues to support our work on those issues.

With your continuing help, TXUUJM can increase its efforts “bending Texas toward justice”.