In addition to the weekly Action Hours, TXUUJM’s volunteer opportunities include:
  • Events Team. Help plan and implement TXUUJM events, including our annual statewide gathering (this year in Dallas on March 23, 2024) and Legislative Action Day on odd years.
  • Social Media Coordinator. Manage and maintain TXUUJM’s Facebook and other social media accounts and post new content at least twice weekly.
  • Media Relations Coordinator. Work with TXUUJM’s Minister and Executive Director to help effectively share our message via newspapers, radio, and television.
  • Photographers & Videographers. Take photos and videos at TXUUJM events, congregational social justice activities, protests and rallies to share via TXUUJM’s web site, YouTube, etc.
  • Fundraising Team. Work with TXUUJM’s Board of Directors and Minister/Executive Director to create a reliable stream of funding from individuals, congregations, crowdfunding campaigns, and grants
  • Other ideas? Send them our way!
Sign up to be part of the ministry and its development!
  • Are you willing to be part of a team of leaders to conduct a “Listening Campaign” in your congregation to hear and help define the issues important to our UU families?
  • Are you willing to serve your church as a TXUUJM leader to keep your church members informed on action issues?
  • Are you able conduct a workshop or forum on the issues identified by the ministry or help to design curricula on state and local issues for our youth or adults?
  • Are you willing to be part of a team that makes sure your entire congregation is informed on issues, registered to vote, and be part of the TXUUJM voter database?
Let us know at!