TXUUJM Legislative Action Day is Monday, March 17, 2025! See you at the Capitol!

TXUUJM LEGISLATIVE ACTION DAY 2025 is part of the progressive interfaith coalition event, “Family Matters: Faith Days at the Capitol.”
REGISTRATION IS CLOSED. Please read the info below to understand how the event will work this year. Much will be the same as 2023, but some things are different! (Prefer a video? Here’s a short video and a longer Facebook live with Rev. Erin, talking about the ins and outs of the event.)
Questions & Answers
Q: What’s the big picture for this year’s event?
A: In response to the extreme threats to justice and democracy that we are facing as a state and a nation, TXUUJM’s Legislative Action Day is meeting the moment by going deeper into collaboration with our interfaith partners. Our UU Legislative Action Day for 2025 on March 17 will be part of a larger interfaith coalition gathering, March 16-18. You are warmly invited and encouraged to participate in all three days or simply to come for March 17th.
Q: What will the collaboration look like?
A: We are honored to combine our TXUUJM Legislative Action Day on Monday, March 17, with Family Matters: Faith Days at the Capitol, adding an interfaith dinner on Sunday, March 16, and a breakfast with legislators and interfaith group visits to legislators’ offices on Tuesday morning, March 18. Our partners are Texas Impact and Friendship West — with whom UUs gathered on the Capitol steps for the Black Maternal Health rally during Legislative Action Day 2023 — and new collaborators Wheeler Avenue Baptist from Houston, First United Methodist from Austin, and Children’s Defense Fund. See the agenda for the event here.
We believe we have the greatest chance at achieving our justice goals by working together and responding to the asks and leadership of those most impacted by our priority issues.
Q. Why is it called “Family Matters: Faith Days at the Capitol”?
A: Progressive people of faith are called in this moment to be clear that the issues we support — reproductive justice, immigrant rights, LGBTQIA+ rights, climate justice, support for public schools and true religious freedom, and much more — are important to Texas families. We must reclaim faith and family from extremist Christian nationalism. Read about the Texas Impact 2025-26 legislative agenda here, approved by the Texas Impact board, which includes TXUUJM Executive Director Rev. Erin Walter.
Q. What are TXUUJM’s 2025 issue focuses?
A. TXUUJM’s five top-voted issues are: 1. Reproductive Justice. 2 & 3 (tie). Protecting Democracy & LGBTQIA+ Rights. 4 & 5 (tie). Racial Justice & Environmental Justice. A record 28 Texas UU congregation’s voted in TXUUJM’s issue survey, taken in Fall 2023 to inform our electoral work in 2024 and our work this year in the 89th Texas Legislature. Thank you to those congregations and members who participated!
Q: What are the transportation options?
A: NORTH TEXAS: 3/10/25 update: North Texas bus is FULL. If you are registering in the last week and need help with transportation, please email txuujm@gmail.com and we will put you on the bus waitlist, or try to connect you with a carpool or van share. You are also welcome to drive yourself, of course, as many folks choose to do.
FT. WORTH: Westside UU is also coordinating vans from Ft. Worth. Email txuujm@gmail.com to get connected to Westside.
HOUSTON PARTNER BUS: Register via “Faith Days at the Capitol” general registration.
OTHER OPTIONS: UU congregations or groups of congregations may reach out to each other and collaborate on buses or carpools. Check in with your congregation’s minister, social justice team, TXUUJM rep, or other leaders to discuss potential transportation. The UU Funding Program also accepts applications for Action of Public Witness grants (for which TXUUJM Legislative Action Day qualifies), up to $1,500, if you would like to write a grant for transportation or hotel costs for those in your congregation.
Q: Can I still only come to the Capitol with TXUUJM for one day?
A: Yes, you can still come to Austin and back for one day, if that is what you can do. On Monday, March 17, we will have much of what Texas UUs have come to love about TXUUJM Legislative Action Day — issues rally on the Capitol steps, legislative advocacy training, time for visits with legislators and staff, youth caucus, singing in the rotunda and UU group photo. However, we encourage you to come for the whole time if you can, or at least stay through Tuesday, to make important connection with interfaith partners and get more time for training and visiting with your legislators. (NOTE: The registration cost is the same, however much of the three days you can attend, as the cost is a minimum amount to help cover food, facilities, and materials. If you cannot afford the registration fee, please contact erin@txuujm.org about a scholarship.)
Q: Is it true if I can’t stay until Tuesday, I will miss out on legislative visits?
A: No. If legislative visits are the most important part of the trip for you but you can only come on Monday, you can still visit your legislators’ offices on Monday. OPTIONS: 1) We will have materials for you to take to the offices at 4pm when the advocacy training, led by Texas Impact staff, is over. Simply go drop in on your legislators’ offices! That is allowed and encouraged, as they work for you! 2) Prefer a scheduled appointment? Call your legislators in advance and ask to schedule a time with them for March 17. 3) Stop by their offices during the lunch break or any other part of the day that you choose. 4) Shy about phones and drop-ins? Email michelle@txuujm.org and our team will help you connect with your legislator. (Tuesday’s interfaith group visits will be scheduled by Texas Impact staff, and will give participants a chance to connect with other attendees from their areas, which can be valuable for continued organizing work back home.)
Q. What if I cannot afford the $50 registration fee?
A: TXUUJM does not want cost to be a barrier to anyone’s attendance! Please reach out to txuujm@gmail.com if you need financial support to attend. If your congregation or business would like to sponsor registration scholarships, please email erin@txuujm.org.
Q: Where can I stay overnight in Austin?
A: One reasonably priced downtown hotel is the La Quinta, 300 E 11th St, Austin, TX 78701. TXUUJM is also working with Central Texas UUs to connect visiting UUs with home hospitality. Please email michelle@txuujm.org if you are an Austin-area UU would like to offer to host someone. You are welcome to make your own hotel, b&b, or other accommodations as well. Friendship West has also set up a hotel option on the registration form, which anyone can use. (Again, the UU Funding Program Action of Public Witness grants are a great way to raise money for travel, if needed.)
Q: What does this year’s t-shirt look like?
A: Click here to see the new t-shirt design by Bis Thornton!
Q. I read everything or I watched a video about it! I’m ready to register! What now?
A. COMPLETE THE TWO-PART REGISTRATION STARTING HERE. Thank you for reading. Please invite your friends and family, & we’ll see you at the Capitol!
More questions? Please email Rev. Erin at erin@txuujm.org. We can’t wait to see you at the Capitol in March!