GOAL: 25 new TXUUJM sustaining donors in 2025!

A monthly recurring donation allows TXUUJM to budget and plan our programs and actions with greater certainty — so our staff and volunteers can focus on DOING THE WORK. We thank our longtime sustaining donors and ask you to join them in committing to a monthly sustaining gift. Help us reach our goal — 25 new sustaining donors (or current donors increasing their monthly amounts) in 2025!

An annual or one-time gift is also very welcome and deeply appreciated.

For legacy giving or giving in memorium, please contact Rev. Erin Walter at erin@txuujm.org.

To give or pay congregational dues by check: Texas UU Justice Ministry, P.O. Box 40005, Austin, TX 78704

Some examples of what your donation can do:

$120 ($10/mo) – sponsor one week of Action Hour

$240 ($20/mo) – childcare support during a TXUUJM event

$600 ($50/mo) – scholarship for one TXUUJM member to go to the U.S./Mexico border on an immigrant rights delegation

$1,200 ($100/mo) – a month of part-time internship stipend for our BIPOC organizing intern

$6,000 – ($500/mo) buses, food, and facility rental for TXUUJM Legislative Action Day at the Capitol

$10,000 – Major justice curriculum (i.e. Transgender Inclusion in Congregations or OWL facilitator training) open to all 40+ Texas congregations

$25,000 – a year stipend for a full-time UU intern minister, so TXUUJM can nurture and train the next generation of justice-centered UU clergy

$50,000 – doubles TXUUJM’s staff time, bringing Executive Director to full-time and Organizer to 2/3 time

TXUUJM member Rev. Carrie Holley-Hurt on giving:

Investment Amount Monthly

Make a One-Time Investment
Of Any Amount

Paypal donation button

Why give to TXUUJM? Lives are at stake in issues of racial and economic justice, healthcare access, economic justice, voting rights, and so much more. TXUUJM is our state action network, the only group dedicated to organizing and mobilizing UUs statewide, to respond to the needs of frontline partners and our own communities. Please support the work!

Give to TXUUJM’s 501(c)(3) general fund here.

To send donations by check: Texas UU Justice Ministry, P.O. Box 40005, Austin, TX 78704

TXUUJM is a 501(c)(3) and your contribution is fully deductible. You may view or download a copy of the IRS designation letter HERE —  TXUUJM 501c3 Letter (1) Our work deeply depends on both volunteer and financial support.


• GABE GELB MEMORIAL JUSTICE FUND: Gabe Gelb (1929-2022) was a co-founder of the Texas UU Justice Ministry, and even after moving to Seattle with his wife Betsy, continued to vigorously support TXUUJM’s mission to empower UU congregations to “bend Texas toward justice.” Your donation to the Gabe Gelb Memorial Justice Fund honors TXUUJM’s founders and supports special projects that pursue justice in Texas and in our congregations.

AUDREY GALE HALL MEMORIAL JUSTICE FUND: Contributions will be put toward scholarships and programs for racial justice, decarceration, and LGBTQIA+ rights and inclusion. Priority will be given to the support of UU young adults doing justice work and trans and BIPOC organizers. To give to this fund, please scroll down to click the PayPal button (or click here), and click the drop-down menu to “Audrey Gale Hall Memorial Justice Fund.”

Other ways to support TXUUJM include:

  • Hold a Facebook fundraiser to benefit TXUUJM (here’s how!).
  • Encourage your congregation to take up a share-the-plate collection for TXUUJM.
  • Hold a church or house-party fundraiser for TXUUJM.
  • Connect TXUUJM with foundations or grantors who might support our work.
  • Designate TXUUJM for a legacy gift.
  • Thank you for your continuing support. With your help we’ll continue bending Texas toward justice.